Warrior of the Week: Megan Gruber

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My husband and I moved to Bellingham in 2009 to have and raise our magical child – I’m finding this is the most humbling and gratifying work I’ve ever done!  I’ve been practicing Buddhist meditation with my Guru, Lama Gelek, since the late ‘90s and I’m also a nurse practitioner privileged to serve our awesome community!  

How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?

I’ve been practicing at Flux since May 2018.  I first came because a friend said I should check it out.  I stay for the meditation and community.  The instructors weave a weekly slogan with humility, humor, self-love, and kindness into the practice so succinctly that each day of practice becomes a beautiful tapestry.  It is a community in which one can be vulnerable, can peel off the layers, and be just who they are.

How has your practice evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?

I’m not sure that I am best posed to say how or whether my practice has evolved but I can say that a commitment to daily methodical practice has opened up an opportunity to be present and to not do, to ride the wave of discomforts in life and not react, to understand there is no one to blame for adversity.

 Favorite pose and why?

Favorite pose?  Chair.  It’s actually what came to mind as my least favorite when asked this question AND it’s the one I learn the most about myself in.  My Guru says, “In order to grow we must move towards our fears and away from our attachments.”  I smile at myself in chair because every time I get into this pose, I want to flop on the floor and give up AND I choose to stay. 

Any advice for new yogis?

Return.  Come back again, and again, and again…come just as you are, let go of expectation, and just be here for this moment.  I can’t wait to practice with you in class!


#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga