Warrior of the Week: Julie Batten

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a 66 year old retired educator of 40 years. I continue to speak up and show up for children and public education as well as issues around social justice. I spent most of my life feeling ashamed of my body. I was either too thin or too curvy. I would hide myself under loose clothing and body minimizing underwear (these garments need to disappear). I always have had my own unique style, and I know how to strut it, but I wasn’t true to who I am.

How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?

Melissa entered my life in 2013 as a friend and mentor. I joined Flux in 2018. I knew it was my place because of the teachers, the studio/heat, the other people who ignite the Flux community with their kindness, generosity, humor and love.

How has your practice evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?

 I didn’t start seriously practicing yoga (or any other healthy routine) until I was 64. The changes that I have noticed in my body, mind and my life have been profound. I have never felt stronger or more powerful. I celebrate the skin I’m in. I realize that my body is beautiful, a miracle…”I should have worshipped her sooner.” I walk taller, I don’t shrink away or hide my curves. I’ve never felt more vulnerable and courageous at the same time.

 Favorite pose and why?

 Asking me my favorite pose reminds me of when my students would ask what my favorite color was. I would always answer…all the colors! How could I live in a world without greens or blues or browns. As my friend Ben Mann says, “There are some poses that aren’t ready for me yet.” That’s how I feel. I do know that through practice the poses always feel different to me, whether I push through, or when I surrender, my power grows.

Any advice for new yogis?

My advice, SHOW UP. Paying attention to ourselves and others is the greatest act of love there is. Give yourself grace. I spent a lot of time in Child’s Pose and that’s where I return when needed. Taking part in the 40 day challenge also helped me to become more consistent in my practice. Know that you are a wonder.


#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga